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Tag: "philosophy of sport"


Stoics on the Big Screen? John Sellars examines the ancient philosophy which surfaces in Gladiator.
[Issue 41: May/June 2003: Films]

If Life is Finite, Why am I Watching this Damn Game?

Kenneth Shouler discusses the aesthetics of sports and the nature of choices.
[Issue 41: May/June 2003: Philosophy and Sport]

Much Ado About Consciousness

Philosophy of Mind is a very exciting area in modern philosophy. One of those stirring up the dust is David Chalmers, an Australian philosopher who says that consciousness is a fundamental component of the universe, like space, time and mass. Andrew Chrucky asked the questions.
[Issue 21: Summer/Autumn 1998: Interview]

Here I Go, Here I Go, Here I Go!

Martin Tyrrell on Methodological Collectivism and the 1994 World Cup
[Issue 11: Winter 1994/95: Articles]

Football: From Logos to Telos

Can there be free kicks without free will? Or is there no such thing as a free kick? These are two questions about the philosophy of football not investigated here. Andrew Belsey.
[Issue 3: Summer 1992: Fiction]

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